A late, but needed update.

Some big life stuff has been going on for me which has made time for Petz short. Despite having success with my first rounds of new treatment I’m having another flare-up that makes sitting & using my computer for extended periods difficult. The treatment has been helping however, as this flare-up is nowhere near as bad as it has been in the past. Positive things!

Boring medical stuff out of the way! The PC Great Easter Egg Hunt is up and running again, hosted by Megan @ Oasis. For those unaware CYBORG is participating this year again by hiding another egg and providing some donations. The event is still running until the 30th, so plenty of time to hunt for eggs.

The spring cleaning challenge ended yesterday. I was very close, but did not finish my list (I was missing a website or community update). I still enjoyed doing it and am very happy that my files are nice and neat now! Thank you Dew for the fun challenge!

Coming up, I’d like to finish some toy hexes that have been sitting in my to-do folders for a few months. I also have an idea kicking around for a new kitty hex based off my favourite artist Tove Lo’s Sunshine Kitty mascot.

In May I’ll be away from my computer from Mother’s Day to the 23rd and unavailable. My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary 🙂

Thanks for reading, and good luck on the Easter Egg hunt!