Petz Links List

Unlike most modern games where mods and downloads are maintained on a Nexus, the majority of the content for Petz is instead found on user created personal websites like this one. Here I've listed useful sites from the Petz Community where you can explore crews, find downloads, read guides, and more.

Scroll over each button for information on the site and what it offers.

Want to be added (or found a broken/stuck link)? Send me a message!


Petz Community Sites

Forums, chatting and games!

Petz on the Web

Personal petz sites and crew directories.

Useful Tools + Fixes

Sherlock Software- PetzA, LNZ Pro, Tinker, Petz Workshop +more!
Yabiko downloads- full game, petzflux, +more!
Petz EZloader- content management software
Petz resource ID clash checker- game content id checker
fixed dog bowl & scratching post @ ratshack- now the scratching post works as intended
fixed food bowls & scratching post- no more bouncing food bowls
Canis Coyote Kennels songz + Thor's fixed music box- dogz can now dance, +lots of songz!
butterflyfieldz petz game mods- seasonal playscene OWs, mod for using purple in-game

Hexing Links

Waverly Academy Hexing Tutorials & Resources
toy hexing tutorial
toy internal adjective hexing tutorial
adding textures tutorial
BAD_DEATH texture resources
Moonflower Petz texture chart
Moonflower Petz palettes

Handy Quick Links

Acidtrip game Installers- installers for all of PF Magic's games
Mazzlabs full game download- just unzip and play, PetzA already included!
RKC general petz help guide- general FAQ & troubleshooting
Intronexon genetic guide & research- must read for breeders
RKC extensive catz show pose guide- learn to pose & show your catz!
Oasis Selective Breed master list- list of a few popular SBs
Wayback Petz archives- learn some petz history!
Narrow Fields Petz- a polish pet blog with awesome downloads
back up your neocities site with cyberduck- always back things up, including your petz site!

& just for fun...
Petz Web Fun Pack (fan recreation)
What catz breed are you test
What dogz breed are you test

Petz Dictionaries

Learn the terms commonly tossed around the PC!

Whiskerwick Petz Lingo
RKC Petz Words & Acronyms
Wayback Petz Dictionary
Diane's Kennelz Petz Dictionary